ReBranding – Mainstay Housing

Originally called "The Supportive Housing Coalition of Metropolitan Toronto (SHC), supplying housing for the mentally ill; came to Provoq looking for an updated stationery package for SHC, instead, we initiated a name change! Because there was no benefit for any of its key stakeholders - most of all their tenants - to be part of an organization whose name was simply

ReBranding – Mainstay Housing2010-03-01T01:09:07+00:00

ReBrand – Skule Alumni

Client: Skule Alumni Original name: Engineering Alumni Association, University of Toronto Context: Oldest and largest Engineering group in Canada, also (in)famously and exclusively known as “Skule” for over 70+ years. Target Audience: Anyone who’s been to “Skule.” Includes: Brand Strategy, ReBranding, Brand Naming, Brand Identity, Brand Stationery, Brand Promotion, Brand Merchandise and Brand Tagline. Click "entries" below to view more of our work.

ReBrand – Skule Alumni2010-03-01T00:20:24+00:00

Gallanough Library Campaign

"With 'zero' budget, could we keep the message and our overall look professional but inexpensive, yet inviting, engaging and smart because we are a community run non-profit library but better." Tagline: Learn. Read. Explore. Enjoy.

Gallanough Library Campaign2010-01-31T12:03:23+00:00
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