Brand Advertising

Advertising builds relationships between organizations and their target audiences. On-strategy advertising ensures those relationships are positive while producing measurable results that impact your bottom line. At Provoq, we develop advertising according to the 10-second rule: you have 10 seconds to make your mark. With that in mind, we strive to tease, inform, inspire, create desire…

ReBrand Campaign – zenbev by Biosential

Client: zenbev by Biosential Rebrand Campaign includes: Rebranded marketing and direct mail campaign, Rebrand Names for product and company names, Brand Identities, Brand Taglines, Brand Website, Brand Packaging, Brand Stationery and Order Forms, Brand Advertising, Brand Incentives including Branded Stress Balls, Branded Sleep Masks, Branded Book, Branded Powerpoint Presentation, Branded shirts and Branded Tradeshow Booth.…

Brand Campaign – Peoples Christian Academy

“Nurture + Challenge” “Leadership + Stewardship” “Integrity + Creativity” “Truth + Faith” Client: Peoples Christian Academy Link: Brand Campaign includes: Brand Strategy, Marketing Strategy, Marketing Consulting, Brand Tagline: Learning More™, Brand Advertising, Brand Stationery, CMS Website and Search Engine Optimization, Brand Recruitment Booth and Brochures, Brand Communication,  Brand Signage, Brand Incentives including Capital Campaign…

Gallanough Library Campaign

“With ‘zero’ budget, could we keep the message and our overall look professional but inexpensive, yet inviting, engaging and smart because we are a community run non-profit library but better.” Tagline: Learn. Read. Explore. Enjoy. Brand Identity 2001. Proud volunteer Board Member since 2002. Services include: Strategy, Concepts, Writing and Design.